oVirt 3.4 Release Notes

oVirt is an open source alternative to VMware vSphere, and provides an excellent KVM management interface for multi-node virtualization.

To find out more about features which were added in previous oVirt releases, check out the oVirt 3.3 release notes, oVirt 3.2 release notes and oVirt 3.1 release notes. For a general overview of oVirt, read the oVirt 3.0 feature guide and the about oVirt page.

via oVirt 3.4 Release Notes.

OpenStack is not for the enterprise

OpenStack backers scoff at the notion that the open source platform is not meant for enteprises. “We’ve seen significant traction from service providers globally, but we’ve also seen significant demand for OpenStack on-premise, hosted private and hybrid cloud by both medium and large enterprises,” wrote Lauren Sell, who manages public relations for OpenStack. Bloomberg, Fidelity, Best Buy, Cisco WebEx and Comcast have all shared their experiences using OpenStack, she notes.

via VMware CEO: OpenStack is not for the enterprise – Network World.

OpenFlow Inventor Martin Casado on SDN, VMware and Software Defined Networking Hype

Casado noted that the term SDN was coined in 2009, and at the time, it did mean something fairly specific.

“Now it is just being used as a general term for networking, like all networking is SDN,” Casado said. “SDN is now just an umbrella term for cool stuff in networking.”

via OpenFlow Inventor Martin Casado on SDN, VMware and Software Defined Networking Hype [VIDEO].

I wondered this after seeing almost every other article in networking blogs like Light Reading with SDN in the title.  Click out the sdn tag to see all that made it here.

VMware targets rival “bookseller” Amazon with its own public cloud

The public cloud confirmed today by VMware marks the first time the company will become an IaaS provider itself, analysts said. Unlike platform-as-a-service, which puts the focus on providing simplified tools to application developers, IaaS clouds let customers (or require them to) manage the underlying infrastructure such as the operating system and virtualization tools.

via VMware targets rival “bookseller” Amazon with its own public cloud | Ars Technica.

VMware realizes it doesn’t rule the cloud, boosts support for Amazon

VMware has long had an aversion to supporting virtualization tools other than its own, even as rivals like Microsoft and Citrix happily built management software that could control the deployment of virtual machines using both their own hypervisors and VMware’s. VMware always had a plausible excuse in that its own vSphere virtualization platform was so widely used that supporting anything else was unnecessary—although Hyper-V’s advances are making that argument less convincing.

via VMware realizes it doesn’t rule the cloud, boosts support for Amazon | Ars Technica.

As Microsoft gains, VMware insists that it maintains the upper hand

“Everybody has a hypervisor today and everybody gives it away for free,” Maritz continued. “What it’s all about are the automation layers on top of it,” and extending the benefits of virtualization from servers to the entire network.

How is VMware achieving that? The company today explained it wants to make “virtual data center” a phrase just as commonly uttered as virtual machines. Instead of merely virtualizing CPU capacity, a virtual data center brings CPU, storage, network services, security, load balancing, and other characteristics together into a single profile that can be easily reproduced and provisioned.

via As Microsoft gains, VMware insists that it maintains the upper hand | Ars Technica.

VMware’s Serengeti Brings Hadoop to Virtual, Cloud Environments

Hadoop is a framework for reliably running applications on large hardware clusters. Many large enterprises (such as Facebook and IBM) have come to rely on it as a vital part of their respective data-crunching infrastructures. Research firm IDC recently predicted that worldwide revenues from Hadoop and MapReduce, another framework for processing problems across huge datasets, could hit $812.8 million in 2016, a significant uptick from $77 million in revenues last year.

via VMware’s Serengeti Brings Hadoop to Virtual, Cloud Environments.

VMware has positioned Serengeti as a “one click” deployment toolkit that, when used in conjunction with its vSphere platform, can deploy an enterprise-level Hadoop cluster in a matter of minutes. The company claims that vSphere’s virtualization capabilities will boost the “availability and manageability” of Hadoop clusters.

Project Serengeti

Serengeti is an open source project initiated by VMware to enable the rapid deployment of an Apache Hadoop cluster HDFS, MapReduce, Pig, Hive, .. on a virtual platform.

Serengeti 0.5 currently supports vSphere, with the ability to support other platforms. The project is at an early stage, and is endorsed by all major Hadoop distributions including Cloudera, Greenplum, Hortonworks and MapR.

via Project Serengeti.

VMware Player – Virtual Network Editor

The Virtual Network Editor (vmnetcfg.exe) is not extracted during the installation and it is really needed if you want to mess around with the virtual network settings on the host OS.

It is a problem if you have different network adapters installed, like eg Bluetooth, WiFi, Hamachi etc

Extract cab files

You can extract all files from the installation by using the option /e and a destination folder is supplied

C:\Download\vmware>VMware-player-3.1.3-324285.exe /e .\extract

Change to the subfolder and find the file network.cab, open it in eg Izarch and extract vmnetcfg.exe to the vmware player installation folder. You can also create a shortcut in your list of program files if needed

Currently rated 4.6 by 8 people

via Look sharp | VMware Player – Virtual Network Editor.

This worked.  I didn’t have to install izarch either — 7-zip extracted the .cab files just fine.  I can’t believe vmware didn’t just install the network editor for the player.  What’s up with that?