oVirt 3.4 Release Notes

oVirt is an open source alternative to VMware vSphere, and provides an excellent KVM management interface for multi-node virtualization.

To find out more about features which were added in previous oVirt releases, check out the oVirt 3.3 release notes, oVirt 3.2 release notes and oVirt 3.1 release notes. For a general overview of oVirt, read the oVirt 3.0 feature guide and the about oVirt page.

via oVirt 3.4 Release Notes.


For the impatient, here is our simple script. We’ll explain it afterwards. This is assuming that you’re on a network with no DHCP server.



sudo brctl addbr br0

sudo ifconfig eth0

sudo brctl addif br0 eth0

sudo ifconfig br0 netmask up

sudo route add -net netmask br0

sudo route add default gw br0

sudo tunctl -b -u john

sudo ifconfig tap0 up

sudo brctl addif br0 tap0


sudo iptables -I RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -i br0 -j ACCEPT

qemu-kvm ~/win2k.img -m 512 -net nic -net tap,ifname=tap0,script=no

via HowTos/KVM – CentOS Wiki.

Xen – KVM – Linux – and the Community

KVM is a type-2 hypervisor built into the Linux kernel as a module and will ship with any Linux distribution moving forward as no work is required for the Linux distributions to add KVM. Having a virtualization platform built-in to the Linux kernel will be valuable to many customers looking for virtualization within a Linux based infrastructure; however these customers will lose the flexibility to run a bare-metal hypervisor, configure the hypervisor independent of the host operating system, and provide machine level security as a guest can bring down the operating system on KVM. Xen, on the other hand is a type-1 hypervisor built independent of any operating system and is a complete separate layer from the operating system and hardware and is seen by the community and customers as an Infrastructure Virtualization Platform to build their solutions upon.

via Xen – KVM – Linux – and the Community – blog.xen.org.

Open Virtualization Alliance signs 200+ members

The rapid growth in OVA membership is a sign of KVM’s potential in emerging markets and the cloud, where open virtualization is poised to be a key technology that can help reduce costs, increase virtual machine density, and improve performance and scalability. In fact, according to a recent member survey, more than 50 percent of OVA members are focused on cloud computing.

via Open Virtualization Alliance signs 200+ members – TechSpot News.

How to Convert a KVM to a VDI

KVM is a bare metal virtualization software use to run several operating system on the same hardware. VDI is the file type used in VirtualBox, Sun Microsystems’ desktop virtualization product. A desktop virtualization product allows you to run an operating system in a window independent from your main operating system. VirtualBox and KVM use different file formats to store the virtual machine and transferring a KVM virtual machine to VirtualBox requires an indirect approach.

Via How to Convert a KVM to a VDI | eHow.com.