We’ve passed peak Apple: it’s all downhill from here

Why do I think Apple has passed its peak? There are a number of signs. The most visible recent one is the Maps debacle. Replacing Google Maps with an obviously inferior experience shows how much Apple has changed. Apple’s success had been all about offering users the best possible experience; suddenly it is willing to give users a clearly worse experience to further its corporate interests – in this case its long-running dispute with Google. We might expect this sort of behaviour from Microsoft, but we don’t expect it from Apple.

via We’ve passed peak Apple: it’s all downhill from here | Technology | guardian.co.uk.

Future Software Will Look Like Facebook

“I think all software is going to look like Facebook,” he said. “Everyone is going to have to rewrite to have a feed-based platform.” If people can collaborate on tagging a photo, he added, they could easily do the same with a product or business problem.

Salesforce’s software, of course, integrates many of the social-networking tropes that Facebook and Twitter helped establish, including profiles and real-time collaboration.

via Salesforce CEO Benioff: Future Software Will Look Like Facebook.

In addition to Salesforce Touch, Salesforce is using the conference to push new initiatives such as its Marketing Cloud, which allows companies to manage their presence across social channels; Work.com, a cloud-based performance-management platform for Human Resources divisions; Chatter Communities for Partners, which lets companies create multiple private communities; and Data.com Social Key, which combines social data such as Tweets with “traditional” business information such as phone numbers.

It’s Official: The Era of the Personal Computer Is Over.

As of this year, personal computers no longer consume the majority of the world’s memory chip supply.

via It’s Official: The Era of the Personal Computer Is Over. – Arik Hesseldahl – News – AllThingsD.

During that period, PCs accounted for the consumption of 49 percent of DRAM produced around the world, down from 50.2 percent in the first quarter of the year. The share of these chips going into PCs — both desktop and notebooks — has been hovering at or near 55 percent since early 2008, IHS says.

Telecom Insights

For the publication of unique telecommunications research and fresh insights into the business.

via Telecom Insights.

Lower demand for PBX systems is not driven from a macroeconomic business cycle or some other temporary event.  Telecom VARs are experiencing a much more microeconomic shift in technology that could better be classified as permanent, structural impairment to forward demand.  The majority of Telecom VARs will cease to exist in their present form 24 months from now.