Scaling Financial Reporting at Airbnb

Going from declarative programming to functional programming has been a powerful paradigm shift for us to think about financial processing and accounting. We can now think of this system as a straightforward actor/handler system rather than getting mired in complicated SQL-join logic.

Source: Tracking the Money — Scaling Financial Reporting at Airbnb – Airbnb Engineering & Data Science – Medium

MySQL’s creator on why the future belongs to MariaDB

MariaDB was created to be a drop-in replacement for MySQL. Widenius says that as long as MySQL has a larger user base than MariaDB, remaining drop-in compatibility will be essential, in order to make the transition between the databases trivial.

“However, being a drop-in replacement doesn’t stop us from changing the underlying code to make it faster and better or add new features,” he says.

via Dead database walking: MySQL’s creator on why the future belongs to MariaDB – MariaDB, open source, mysql, Oracle – Computerworld.

Fedora Looks To Replace MySQL With MariaDB

Out of fears that Oracle is making MySQL a more closed software project and not being happy with the overall direction of this widely-used database software, Fedora developers are looking at replacing MySQL with MariaDB in  Fedora 19.

via [Phoronix] Fedora Looks To Replace MySQL With MariaDB.

MySQL would still be available in the Fedora repository for at least one release as the more conservative users make the migration from MySQL to MariaDB.

Security Researcher Discloses New Batch of MySQL Vulnerabilities

The first MySQL vulnerability, a stack-based buffer overflow, would allow an authenticated database user a chance to cause the MySQL daemon to crash, and then execute code with the same privileges as the user running MySQL. A heap-based overflow vulnerability, separate from the previous flaw, could be used to do the same thing – again the damage could be caused by an authenticated database user.

via Security Researcher Discloses New Batch of MySQL Vulnerabilities | SecurityWeek.Com.

Twitter, PayPal reveal database performance

Cole revealed that Twitter’s MySQL database handles some huge numbers — three million new rows per day, the storage of 400 million tweets per day replicated four times over — but it is managed by a team of only six full-time administrators and a sole MySQL developer.

via Twitter, PayPal reveal database performance – Software – Technology – News –

Daniel Austin, a technology architect at Paypal, has built a globally-distributed database with 100 terabytes of user-related data, also based on a MySQL cluster.

Austin said he was charged with building a system with 99.999 percent availability, without any loss of data, an ability to support transactions (and roll them back), and an ability to write data to the database and read it anywhere else in the world in under one second.

Disappearing test cases or did another part of MySQL just become closed source?

MySQL test cases were always an important part of the MySQL source tree. They were particularly useful for storage engine developers and for other people extending MySQL, for example, at Facebook, Twitter, and Taobao. But also for Linux distributions which add their patches to the base MySQL, and even to users, who don’t modify the sources — they still want to confirm that a particular bug was fixed or that their custom-built binary has no obvious flaws.

In May, at the Ubuntu Developer Summit in Oakland, Oracle had 7 representatives there, and they promised that Oracle will be more contributor- and distribution-friendly. It is sad to see that instead of that the MySQL source tree is being closed down.

via Disappearing test cases or did another part of MySQL just become closed source? « The MariaDB Blog.

George Takei Helps Facebook Debug MySQL

George Takei Helps Facebook Debug MySQL » Data Center Knowledge.

Wait – what was that last one? In today’s update on the Facebook Engineering blog, Mark Callaghan discusses the challenges in getting MySQL to scale on Facebook’s multi-core servers. The post provides technical insight into Facebook’s scalability initiatives, and then gives a shout out to Takei for helping resolve a database issue.

I have facebook blocked on my servers but will have to come back and look at the linked to blog entry.

MySQL :: MySQL Cluster 7.2 GA Released, Delivers 1 BILLION Queries per Minute

MySQL :: MySQL Cluster 7.2 GA Released, Delivers 1 BILLION Queries per Minute.

70x Higher JOIN Performance, NoSQL Key-Value API & Cross Data Center Sharding with Replication

Oracle is delighted to announce the immediate availability of the production-ready, GA release of MySQL Cluster 7.2, available for download under the GPL, and as part of the commercial MySQL Cluster Carrier Grade Edition, including management tools, product certifications and 24×7 global support.