Introduction to Computer Science

This is CS50x, Harvard University’s introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming for majors and non-majors alike, with or without prior programming experience. An entry-level course taught by David J. Malan, CS50x teaches students how to think algorithmically and solve problems efficiently. Topics include abstraction, algorithms, data structures, encapsulation, resource management, security, software engineering, and web development. Languages include C, Python

Source: Introduction to Computer Science

What is a lambda expression in C++11?

C++ includes useful generic functions like std::for_each and std::transform, which can be very handy. Unfortunately they can also be quite cumbersome to use, particularly if the functor you would like to apply is unique to the particular function.

Source: What is a lambda expression in C++11?

C++11 introduces lambdas allow you to write an inline, anonymous functor to replace the struct f. For small simple examples this can be cleaner to read (it keeps everything in one place) and potentially simpler to maintain,

How does iptables hashlimit module work?

Hashlimit is an iptables module that allows one to define rules that in effect will limit traffic speed (bytes / time unit) or frequency (connections / time unit) per target or origin ports / IPs. The inner workings of this module and / or how to make it work correctly remains a mystery for many.

Hashlimit is also close friends with the limit module, only much more powerful, capable of expressing rate limiting per source IP (for example) in a single rule.

Source: Stuff I do: How does iptables hashlimit module work?

Think Before You Parallelize

The loop abstractions examined here are just one type of parallel or concurrent programming abstraction available. There is a whole universe out there, Actor Models, Async/Await, Tasks, Thread Pools, and so on. Be sure to understand what you are using, and measure whether it will really be useful, or whether you should focus on fast single threaded algorithms or look for third party tools with better performance.

Source: Think Before You Parallelize

How I Hacked Facebook, and Found Someone’s Backdoor Script

Here I’d like to explain some common security problems found in large corporations during pentesting by giving an example.

Source: How I Hacked Facebook, and Found Someone’s Backdoor Script | DEVCORE 戴夫寇爾

A brief summary, the hacker created a proxy on the credential page to log the credentials of Facebook employees. These logged passwords were stored under web directory for the hacker to use WGET every once in a while

The Basics of Web Application Security

Security is a massive topic, even if we reduce the scope to only browser-based web applications. These articles will be closer to a “best-of” than a comprehensive catalog of everything you need to know, but we hope it will provide a directed first step for developers who are trying to ramp up fast.

Source: The Basics of Web Application Security

Reverse engineering an IP camera

During setup the app instructs the user to either plug in an Ethernet cable or press the ‘pair’ button on the camera which causes the camera to switch to host mode and offer up an open (aka insecure) wireless network.  The app then scans for this network which is typically called CameraHD-(MAC address) and prompts the user to connect to it. This is an alarming feature for a camera designed for outdoor use particularly as the camera also offers a host of unfiltered network services, including the network video feed (RTSP), a bespoke internal messaging service for initiating alerts and two distinct web servers (nuvoton and busybox), one of which has an undocumented firmware upgrade page. Readers of our other blogs will know how much we like upgrading firmware…

Source: Push To Hack: Reverse engineering an IP camera