A Light Bulb with a Computer and Projector Inside from the MIT Media Lab Augments Reality

The LuminAR device, created by Linder and colleagues at the Media Lab, can project interactive images onto a surface, sensing when a person’s finger or hand points to an element within those images. Linder describes LuminAR as an augmented-reality system because the images and interfaces it projects can alter the function of a surface or object. While LuminAR might seem like a far-fetched concept, many large technology companies are experimenting with new kinds of computer interfaces in hopes of discovering new markets for their products (see “Google Game Could Be Augmented Reality’s First Killer App” and ”A New Chip to Bring 3-D Gesture Control to Smartphones”).

via A Light Bulb with a Computer and Projector Inside from the MIT Media Lab Augments Reality | MIT Technology Review.

SME Server

Exceptionally reliable and easy to use, SME Server can be installed and configured in less than 20 minutes – yet it’s powered by a secure and open Linux platform that’s fully upgradeable and customizable. Simply install it on any standard PC and in minutes you’ll have a robust Linux-based LAMP server capable of fully replacing those expensive Windows server licenses and providing a full range of services – including e-mail, firewall, file and print-sharing, web hosting, remote access and more.

via SME Server:About – SME Server.

Disappearing test cases or did another part of MySQL just become closed source?

MySQL test cases were always an important part of the MySQL source tree. They were particularly useful for storage engine developers and for other people extending MySQL, for example, at Facebook, Twitter, and Taobao. But also for Linux distributions which add their patches to the base MySQL, and even to users, who don’t modify the sources — they still want to confirm that a particular bug was fixed or that their custom-built binary has no obvious flaws.

In May, at the Ubuntu Developer Summit in Oakland, Oracle had 7 representatives there, and they promised that Oracle will be more contributor- and distribution-friendly. It is sad to see that instead of that the MySQL source tree is being closed down.

via Disappearing test cases or did another part of MySQL just become closed source? « The MariaDB Blog.