
I’m migrating this web server to a more modern Fedora from Fedora 14 and there have been problems.  Had to ditch the new MariaDB for community mysql because the former cannot read in a common SQL file describing this simple WordPress database without marking it corrupt.  See:

MySQL to MariaDB migration: handling privilege table differences when using mysqldump

Community mysql works well and all databases read in like SQL should.  There have been memory leak problems bringing down services at random times which might be an OS problem or httpd problem so I’m getting ready to rebuild on a modern CentOS distro which should be more stable.  I don’t feel like debugging this since it should just work when installed.  The latest crash was SELinux which activated itself after a reboot and it doesn’t like anything running on its system.

The Fedora 14 VM has been rock solid since 2010 and I’ll still use it as a backup.  I wanted to create a VM in VirtualBox and Fedora 14 is too old to build from scratch.  This modern Fedora seems very unreliable.

tl;dr This site will be under construction and may fall over every now and then.

Fedora Looks To Replace MySQL With MariaDB

Out of fears that Oracle is making MySQL a more closed software project and not being happy with the overall direction of this widely-used database software, Fedora developers are looking at replacing MySQL with MariaDB in  Fedora 19.

via [Phoronix] Fedora Looks To Replace MySQL With MariaDB.

MySQL would still be available in the Fedora repository for at least one release as the more conservative users make the migration from MySQL to MariaDB.

Fedora 18 released

This document provides the release notes for Fedora 18. It describes major changes offered in the Spherical Cow as compared to Fedora 17. For a detailed listing of all changes, refer to the Fedora Technical Notes.

via Release Notes.

The Gnome2 fork MATE is supposedly integrated with this release.  After reading the comments on slashdot I’m not keen on upgrading and will stick to FC14 or if another MATE release becomes available that supports system monitor.  System monitor is so important for security and general maintenance of the system and yet most consumer devices don’t include it.  System monitor is equivalent to the temperature guage in your car.  You want to know if the engine is overheating just like you want to know if your computer is causing unexpected traffic on the network.

GNOME 3.8 Is Dropping Its Fallback Mode

Matthias Clasen on the behalf of the GNOME Release Team has announced that they have decided to eliminate GNOME’s “fallback mode” with the upcoming 3.8 release that allowed a “GNOME classic” mode that didn’t depend upon OpenGL/3D rendering and was more like the GNOME2 traitional desktop.

via [Phoronix] GNOME 3.8 Is Dropping Its Fallback Mode.

Now for GNOME users without a proper GPU and drivers, if you want to still use GNOME, you will need to use LLVMpipe for a software-accelerated experience of the GNOME Shell.

Gnome has totally gone off the rails.  Luckily there is a fork for Gnome called MateMate is supposed to be shipped with Fedora 18.  I have used Mate in a Linux Mint virtual machine and it works well.  I tried loading it into a Fedora 17 VM many months ago and it had problems but I’m sure all of that will get worked out.  IMHO, Gnome has become a product of hubris.  I’ve tried to use it and just can’t deal with the constant context switching to do simple tasks like opening a terminal window.

Raspberry Pi Fedora Remix, our recommended distro, is ready for download!

The Remix is a distribution comprised of software packages from the Fedora ARM project, plus a small number of additional packages that are modified from the Fedora versions or which cannot be included in Fedora due to licensing issues – in particular, the libraries for accessing the VideoCore GPU on the Raspberry Pi.

The SD card image for the Remix includes a little over 640 packages, providing both text-mode and graphical interfaces (LXDE/XFCE) with an assortment of programming languages, applications, system tools, and services for both environments. There are over 16,000 software packages available from the Fedora ARM repositories which can be easily installed using the Internet to customize your system to meet your needs and interests (again, using either command-line or graphical tools).

via Raspberry Pi Fedora Remix, our recommended distro, is ready for download! | Raspberry Pi.