How Twitter Rebuilt Google’s Secret Weapon

Borg is a way of efficiently parceling work across Google’s vast fleet of computer servers, and according to Wilkes, the system is so effective, it has probably saved Google the cost of building an extra data center. Yes, an entire data center. That may seem like something from another world — and in a way, it is — but the new-age hardware and software that Google builds to run its enormous online empire usually trickles down to the rest of the web. And Borg is no exception.

via Return of the Borg: How Twitter Rebuilt Google’s Secret Weapon | Wired Enterprise |

At Twitter, a small team of engineers has built a similar system using a software platform originally developed by researchers at the University of California at Berkeley. Known as Mesos, this software platform is open source — meaning it’s freely available to anyone — and it’s gradually spreading to other operations as well.

Pirate Bay Moves to The Cloud, Becomes Raid-Proof

“If one cloud-provider cuts us off, goes offline or goes bankrupt, we can just buy new virtual servers from the next provider. Then we only have to upload the VM-images and reconfigure the load-balancer to get the site up and running again.”

via Pirate Bay Moves to The Cloud, Becomes Raid-Proof | TorrentFreak.

The load balancer and transit-routers are still owned and operated by The Pirate Bay, which allows the site to hide the location of the cloud provider. It also helps to secure the privacy of the site’s users.

The Hidden Risk of a Meltdown in the Cloud

There are well known problems of course. The most obvious relates to guaranteeing the security of data when it is stored on computers that that a user does not own and that many others can also access. But various solutions have emerged such as encrypting data before it is sent to the cloud. For that reason, the migration to the cloud is proceeding at full speed in many places.

That may be folly. Today, Bryan Ford at Yale University in New Haven says that the full risks of this migration have yet to be properly explored. He points out that complex systems can fail in many unexpected ways and outlines various simple scenarios in which a cloud could come unstuck.

via The Hidden Risk of a Meltdown in the Cloud – Technology Review.

Now Ford imagines the scenario in which both load balancing programs operate with the same refresh period, say once a minute. When these periods coincide, the control loops start sending the load back and forth between the virtual servers in a positive feedback loop.

Starting the Piranha Configuration Tool Service

To use the Piranha Configuration Tool you will need at minimum a text-only Web browser. If you start a Web browser on the primary LVS router, open the location http://localhost:3636. You can reach the Piranha Configuration Tool from anywhere on through a Web browser by replacing localhost with the hostname or IP address of the primary LVS router.

When your browser connects to the Piranha Configuration Tool, you will notice that you must login to access the cluster configuration services. Enter piranha in the Username field and the password set with piranha-passwd in the Password field.

via Starting the Piranha Configuration Tool Service.

Load balancing – LVSKB

In computing, load balancing is a technique used to spread work load among many processes, computers, networks, disks or other resources, so that no single resource is overloaded.

Load balancing can also be considered as distributing items into buckets:

  • data to memory locations
  • files to disks
  • tasks to processors
  • packets to network interfaces
  • requests to servers

Its goal is even distribution.

Via Load balancing – LVSKB.

The Linux Virtual Server Project – Linux Server Cluster for Load Balancing

What is the Linux Virtual Server?

The Linux Virtual Server is a highly scalable and highly available server built on a cluster of real servers, with the load balancer running on the Linux operating system. The architecture of the server cluster is fully transparent to end users, and the users interact as if it were a single high-performance virtual server. For more information, click here.

The Linux Virtual Server Project – Linux Server Cluster for Load Balancing.

Linux Server Cluster for Load Balancing

The Linux Virtual Server is a highly scalable and highly available server built on a cluster of real servers, with the load balancer running on the Linux operating system. The architecture of the server cluster is fully transparent to end users, and the users interact as if it were a single high-performance virtual server. For more information, click here.

via The Linux Virtual Server Project – Linux Server Cluster for Load Balancing.