A list of four special Linux distributions for kids

Learning at an early age can be best enhanced in an environment that encourages exploration. There is no other operating system that offers such variety and autonomy to customize the system based on specific needs like Linux. Like toys and clothes for kids, the Linux community has developed specific operating systems that can offer them a fun learning environment. I believe that to boost curiosity in kids, it is important to create a set up that gives them a feeling of wonder.

via A list of four special Linux distributions for kids | opensource.com.

I haven’t installed any of these but found the concept interesting.

BackTrack successor Kali Linux launched

Outwardly, Kali looks the same as the previous version of BackTrack. But dig a little deeper, according to founder Mati Aharoni, and that’s where the similarities end.

“It boots like BackTrack, but when you look deeper into Kali, you see all these amazing new features that just weren’t available in BackTrack,” Aharoni told SC speaking ahead of the launch in Amsterdam.

via BackTrack successor Kali Linux launched – Applications – SC Magazine Australia – Secure Business Intelligence.

From Kali’s site comes this:

What’s New in Kali Linux

From an end user perspective, the most obvious change would be the switch to Debian and an FHS-compliant system. What this means is that instead of having to navigate through the /pentest tree, you will be able to call any tool from anywhere on the system as every application is included in the system path. However, there’s much hidden magic in that last sentence. I’ll quickly list some of the new benefits of this move.

Backtrack has been a very useful resource for me and prominently listed in the Tools section on this site.  One of the main features that I gleaned from this release is support for ARM.   I haven’t poked around the site or created a Kali VM to play with yet.  Will report whatever I observe later.

Intel Launches Hadoop Distribution And Project Rhino, An Effort To Bring Better Security To Big Data

Intel says the distribution is optimized for the Intel Xeon processor platform. In its announcement, the company states it can analyze one terabyte of data, which would previously take more than four hours to fully process, can now be done in seven minutes.

via Intel Launches Hadoop Distribution And Project Rhino, An Effort To Bring Better Security To Big Data | TechCrunch.

The Linux Foundation Secure Boot Pre-bootloader Released

The Linux Foundation started work on Secure Boot last year and announced back in October that its plan involved development of a pre-bootloader, which it will get signed by Microsoft. A signed pre-bootloader will allow for chain-loading of boot-loader of any other operating system thereby enabling users to install non-signed Linux distros on Windows 8 UEFI hardware. This signed pre-bootloader will greatly help smaller distributions that don’t have either the resources or time to get their own Microsoft-verified key.

via The Linux Foundation Secure Boot Pre-bootloader Released – ParityNews.com: …Because Technology Matters.

Haiku Project

Why not Linux?

Linux-based distributions stack up software — the Linux kernel, the X Window System, and various DEs with disparate toolkits such as GTK+ and Qt — that do not necessarily share the same guidelines and/or goals. This lack of consistency and overall vision manifests itself in increased complexity, insufficient integration, and inefficient solutions, making the use of your computer more complicated than it should actually be. [top]

Instead, Haiku has a single focus on personal computing and is driven by a unified vision for the whole OS. That, we believe, enables Haiku to provide a leaner, cleaner and more efficient system capable of providing a better user experience that is simple and uniform throughout

via General FAQ | Haiku Project.

What platform(s) is Haiku targeted to run on?
The main target for Haiku R1 is the x86 (Intel, AMD, and compatible) platform. There are ports to other platforms underway, such as PowerPC, MIPS and ARM. However, it is not clear whether these will be supported or not. What platforms we support in the future will heavily depend on the availability of resources to support their development

FreeBSD.org intrusion announced November 17th 2012

The compromise is believed to have occurred due to the leak of an SSH key from a developer who legitimately had access to the machines in question, and was not due to any vulnerability or code exploit within FreeBSD.

via FreeBSD.org intrusion announced November 17th 2012.

We unfortunately cannot guarantee the integrity of any packages available for installation between 19th September 2012 and 11th November 2012, or of any ports compiled from trees obtained via any means other than through svn.freebsd.org or one of its mirrors. Although we have no evidence to suggest any tampering took place and believe such interference is unlikely, we have to recommend you consider reinstalling any machine from scratch, using trusted sources.

Using eBox As Windows Primary Domain Controller

eBox Platform is an open source small business server that allows you to manage all your services like firewall, DHCP, DNS, VPN, proxy, IDS, mail, file and printer sharing, VoIP, IM and much more. These functionalities are tightly integrated, automating most tasks, avoiding mistakes and saving time for system administrators.

This tutorial shows you step by step how to use eBox as Windows Primary Domain Controller. At the end of it you will be using eBox Platform 1.2 for users and shared resources management on your Windows domain.

via Using eBox As Windows Primary Domain Controller | HowtoForge – Linux Howtos and Tutorials.

Project Byzantium

Byzantium is a live Linux distribution that delivers easy-to-use, secure, and robust mesh networking

via Project Byzantium.

Unlike most mesh implementations, a Byzantium Mesh requires no specialized equipment that may not be easy to get during an emergency, just an x86 computer with at least one 802.11 a/b/g/n wireless interface.