SNESDev-RPi: A SNES-Adapter for the Raspberry Pi

There are several things that have to be done for this:

  • Decide for a stable working Linux distribution that provides access to the video and sound hardware.
  • Make the emulator(s) work.
  • Build a launch menu that allows for selecting the console and or the video game.
  • Build a hardware controller interface that allows you to connect real video game controllers.
  • Build a case that contains the Raspberry and the connector(s) for the controller(s).

via SNESDev-RPi: A SNES-Adapter for the Raspberry Pi | petRockBlog.

This leads us to the end of this post. So far, I did not speak about a case yet. Having some experience with other laser-cut cases I already started to design a case for the Raspberry that also contains ports for two SNES connectors. When this is finished I will write about it in another post.


$49 Android PC System

APC was not built like an ordinary PC. For openers, we started with an awareness that the purpose of a computer is to connect to the Internet. It is the Internet that now defines computing. When you begin here, magic happens.

Expensive, overpowered CPUs and bloated software are no longer relevant. With this awareness, we were able to drop power consumption to the point of making an energy-saving light-bulb jealous.

via APC.

Raspberry Pi Review & Initial How-To Setup Guide

We received a Model B ($35), which is powered by a Broadcom BCM2835 SoC that includes a 700MHz ARM1176JZF-S CPU core, 256MB of RAM and a Broadcom VideoCore IV GPU with OpenGL ES 2.0 that supports 1080p at 30FPS as well as H.264 and MPEG-4 high-profile decoding for smooth Blu-ray playback. Connectivity includes two USB ports, Ethernet, HDMI, RCA video, an SD card slot, a 3.5mm audio jack and two rows of 13 General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pins for further expansion.

via Raspberry Pi Review & Initial How-To Setup Guide – TechSpot Reviews.

Once the process is finished, a popup will notify you that the write was successful. Close the box, exit the application, unmount the SD card from your PC and attach it to the Raspberry Pi. Assuming everything went well, you’re ready to fire the device up. The first time the computer boots from the SD card it will automatically configure itself. It will then reboot and load up once again to the login screen.

The default username for Debian is pi and the password is raspberry. You can then load the LXDE desktop environment by entering startx. A few moments later, the desktop will load up as below:

Raspberry Pi gets an electronics prototyping plate kit

With the Raspberry Pi now shipping, thousands of curious programmers, hackers, teachers, and kids are starting to experiment with the device. That experimentation is limited to software for the most part, but with the Gertboard in development it shouldn’t be long before Raspberry Pi hardware extensions are also a possibility.

via Raspberry Pi gets an electronics prototyping plate kit – Computer Chips & Hardware Technology |

Raspberry Pi Fedora Remix, our recommended distro, is ready for download!

The Remix is a distribution comprised of software packages from the Fedora ARM project, plus a small number of additional packages that are modified from the Fedora versions or which cannot be included in Fedora due to licensing issues – in particular, the libraries for accessing the VideoCore GPU on the Raspberry Pi.

The SD card image for the Remix includes a little over 640 packages, providing both text-mode and graphical interfaces (LXDE/XFCE) with an assortment of programming languages, applications, system tools, and services for both environments. There are over 16,000 software packages available from the Fedora ARM repositories which can be easily installed using the Internet to customize your system to meet your needs and interests (again, using either command-line or graphical tools).

via Raspberry Pi Fedora Remix, our recommended distro, is ready for download! | Raspberry Pi.

Zemlin praises $25 Linux computer: a Windows license costs more than four Raspberry Pis

The $35 model entered the manufacturing stage last month and finally became available for purchase this week. Demand for the product was so prodigiously high that both of the foundation’s retail partners were unable to keep their websites running in the hours after the official launch. The $25 model is expected to come later this year.

via Zemlin praises $25 Linux computer: a Windows license costs more than four Raspberry Pis.