The Illegal Map of Swedish Art

It also used to include useful photos of each statue. Not any more. The Supreme Court of Sweden has ruled that it is illegal to provide free access to a database of art photographs without the artists’ consent. Therefore Offentlig Konst can no longer show you a picture of a work of art, even when the artwork is in public ownership, on public display and sited in a public area,

Source: Maps Mania: The Illegal Map of Swedish Art

The Basics of Web Application Security

Security is a massive topic, even if we reduce the scope to only browser-based web applications. These articles will be closer to a “best-of” than a comprehensive catalog of everything you need to know, but we hope it will provide a directed first step for developers who are trying to ramp up fast.

Source: The Basics of Web Application Security

Ethereum, a Virtual Currency, Enables Transactions That Rival Bitcoin’s

Beyond the price spike, Ethereum is also attracting attention from giants in finance and technology, like JPMorgan Chase, Microsoft and IBM, which have described it as a sort of Bitcoin 2.0.

Source: Ethereum, a Virtual Currency, Enables Transactions That Rival Bitcoin’s – The New York Times

The system is complicated enough that even people who know it well have trouble describing it in plain English.

Do you have the brains for cybersecurity?

In the modern day, the ability to work through a problem and decipher it is essential to anyone who works in cybersecurity, partly because a lot of what they do involves working out what is going on with less than perfect knowledge.

The puzzles below have been drawn up with the help of the team behind the UK’s Cyber Security Challenge, which uses similar tests to find people who are good at problem solving who could be of use for attacking and defending computer networks.

Source: Do you have the brains for cybersecurity? – BBC News

FTC Issues Warning Letters to App Developers Using ‘Silverpush’ Code

Known as Silverpush, the software is designed to monitor consumers’ television use through the use of “audio beacons” emitted by TVs, which consumers can’t hear but can be detected by the software. The letters note that the software would be capable of producing a detailed log of the television content viewed while a user’s mobile device was turned on for the purpose of targeted advertising and analytics.

Source: FTC Issues Warning Letters to App Developers Using ‘Silverpush’ Code | Federal Trade Commission

B&N is Shutting Down One of Its Top Three Digital Blunders on 15 March

This, folks, was one of the reasons why the Nook failed. B&N underestimated consumers who were savvy enough to figure out that they could read Nook ebooks on other hardware, but they couldn’t do jack with B&N’s tablets because of the sparse app store.

Source: B&N is Shutting Down One of Its Top Three Digital Blunders on 15 March | The Digital Reader

Avoiding the pointless blockchain project

But before you embark on that shiny blockchain project, you need to have a very clear idea of why you are using a blockchain. There are a bunch of conditions that need to be fulfilled. And if they’re not, you should go back to the drawing board. Maybe you can define the project better. Or maybe you can save everyone a load of time and money, because you don’t need a blockchain at all.

Source: Avoiding the pointless blockchain project | MultiChain

Blockchains are a technology for shared databases.
Blockchains are a technology for databases with multiple writers.
blockchains are a technology for databases with multiple non-trusting writers.

Company Tracks Iowa Caucusgoers by their Cell Phones

When you open an app or look at a browser page, there’s a very fast auction that happens where different advertisers bid to get to show you an ad. Their bid is based on how valuable they think you are, and to decide that, your phone sends them information about you, including, in many cases, an identifying code (that they’ve built a profile around) and your location information, down to your latitude and longitude.

Source: Company Tracks Iowa Caucusgoers by their Cell Phones – Schneier on Security

Indian Patent Office Says No to Software Patents

The 2015 guidelines could have resulted in making it difficult for software developers to innovate with expansion of scope of patentability in the field of software. Prasanth Sugathan, counsel at, who represented the organisation at the consultations said: “The legislature by limiting the scope of patentable subject matter in the field of software wanted our software professionals and industry to innovate and not be stifled by companies holding a stockpile of patents. We are grateful to the Government and the patent office for listening to our feedback and suggestions and preserving the freedom of our coders and entrepreneurs to innovate without shackles.”

Source: Press Release: Indian Patent Office Says No to Software Patents