U.S. seeks trials to test transition to digital phone networks

The Federal Communications Commission unanimously voted in favor of trials, in which telecommunications companies would test switching telephone services from existing circuit-switch technology to an alternative Internet protocol-based one to see how the change may affect consumers.

via U.S. seeks trials to test transition to digital phone networks | Reuters.

Docker: the Linux container engine

Docker is an open-source engine that automates the deployment of any application as a lightweight, portable, self-sufficient container that will run virtually anywhere.

Docker containers can encapsulate any payload, and will run consistently on and between virtually any server. The same container that a developer builds and tests on a laptop will run at scale, in production*, on VMs, bare-metal servers, OpenStack clusters, public instances, or combinations of the above.

Common use cases for Docker include:

  • Automating the packaging and deployment of applications
  • Creation of lightweight, private PAAS environments
  • Automated testing and continuous integration/deployment
  • Deploying and scaling web apps, databases and backend services

via About Docker – Docker: the Linux container engine.

CSEC used airport Wi-Fi to track Canadian travellers

Experts say that probably included many Canadians whose smartphone and laptop signals were intercepted without their knowledge as they passed through the terminal.

via CSEC used airport Wi-Fi to track Canadian travellers: Edward Snowden documents – Politics – CBC News.

The above statement is misleading.  A smartphone does not have  signals that can be “intercepted,” a smartphone actively seeks out and asks for an IP address so it can check in wherever some app wants to check in.  A lot of apps want to phone home and have access to a device’s network.  Smartphones are always active participants in a network.  The user of a smartphone has chosen to leave wifi active which means that user *wants* his device to scan for and connect to available bandwidth resources.  This scanning is a feature not a bug.

The document shows the federal intelligence agency was then able to track the travellers for a week or more as they — and their wireless devices — showed up in other Wi-Fi “hot spots” in cities across Canada and even at U.S. airports.

They simply store and key off the device ID or MAC address.  Every device has a unique MAC address, the layer 2 address used by local routers in the final leg of a route to send packets to the right device.  This address does not leave the local subnet unless through surreptitious means like a malicious app.

This kind of sweep probably captures browsing metadata all keyed by device id.  Not sure how useful any of that data will be to anyone.  End to end encryption using SSL can protect content of a message data but not metadata, the where and how long one communicates.  This kind of metadata could be useful nuggets in corporate espionage for all kinds of reasons.  If you’re just using the open wifi at the airport to pass time none of this matters as long as they’re not attempting Man In The Middle attacks or 0-day exploits against you.

“Honey Encryption” Could Trick Criminals with Spoof Data

“Decoys and deception are really underexploited tools in fundamental computer security,” Juels says. Together with Thomas Ristenpart of the University of Wisconsin, he has developed a new encryption system with a devious streak. It gives encrypted data an additional layer of protection by serving up fake data in response to every incorrect guess of the password or encryption key. If the attacker does eventually guess correctly, the real data should be lost amongst the crowd of spoof data.

via “Honey Encryption” Could Trick Criminals with Spoof Data | MIT Technology Review.

tc: Linux HTTP Outgoing Traffic Shaping (Port 80 Traffic Shaping)

I‘ve 10Mbps server port dedicated to our small business server. The server also act as a backup DNS server and I’d like to slow down outbound traffic on port 80. How do I limit bandwidth allocation to http service 5Mbps (burst to 8Mbps) at peak times so that DNS and other service will not go down due to heavy activity under Linux operating systems?

You need use the tc command which can slow down traffic for given port and services on servers and it is called traffic shaping:

via tc: Linux HTTP Outgoing Traffic Shaping (Port 80 Traffic Shaping).

The Biggest Battle in All Of EVE

Once the TCU onlining was decided, the fight just became about carnage: who could kill the most the fastest. The fleets committed by both sides represent a staggering amount of time, effort, and ISK. Each titan costs about 100 billion ISK (up to 160 or even 220b for particularly expensive fits), which can be purchased for about $3,000 USD by buying game time and selling it to other players for ISK. More than that, though, to build a titan requires several weeks and a nice quiet undisturbed area of space, something harder to find in the current climate. Supercarriers are similarly challenging. Dreadnaughts and carriers, while not as difficult to build, still represent a significant investment of effort on the part of an industrialist somewhere.

via B-R5RB: The Biggest Battle in All Of EVE | TheMittani.com.

App Pays Attention to Phone’s Behavior to Spot New Malware

Today, San Francisco-based Zimperium unveiled its zIPS Android app (the “IPS” stands for “intrusion prevention system”), which the company says uses machine learning to watch how your smartphone normally acts and can spot strange changes in its usage, enabling it to detect and prevent attacks, including those that may strike via unprotected Wi-Fi networks.

via App Pays Attention to Phone’s Behavior to Spot New Malware | MIT Technology Review.

Google to Buy Artificial Intelligence Startup DeepMind for $400M

This is in large part an artificial intelligence talent acquisition, and Google CEO Larry Page led the deal himself, sources said. According to online bios, Hassabis in particular is quite a talent, a child prodigy in chess who was later called “probably the best games player in history” by the Mind Sports Olympiad.

via Exclusive: Google to Buy Artificial Intelligence Startup DeepMind for $400M | Re/code.