Notes on the Celebrity Data Theft

After this story broke I spent some time immersed in the crazy, obsessive subculture of celebrity nudes and revenge porn trying to work out what they were doing, how they were doing it and what could be learned from it.

1. What we see in the public with these hacking incidents seems to only be scratching the surface. There are entire communities and trading networks where the data that is stolen remains private and is rarely shared with the public. The networks are broken down horizontally with specific people carrying out specific roles, loosely organized across a large number of sites (both clearnet and darknet) with most organization and communication taking place in private (email, IM).

via New Web Order > Nik Cubrilovic – – ยป Notes on the Celebrity Data Theft.

Dropbox Offers a Way to Free Data from Mobile Apps with New Sync API Feature for Developers

He found in a recent survey that Apple and Dropbox are the two cloud services most used by U.S. consumers, with 27 percent and 17 percent of just over 2,000 respondents, respectively. Allowing people to control their content across devices from different companies provides one way for Dropbox to stand out, he says.

via Dropbox Offers a Way to Free Data from Mobile Apps with New Sync API Feature for Developers | MIT Technology Review.