
coreboot is a Free Software project aimed at replacing the proprietary BIOS (firmware) found in most computers. coreboot performs a little bit of hardware initialization and then executes additional boot logic, called a payload.

With the separation of hardware initialization and later boot logic, coreboot can scale from specialized applications that run directly from firmware, run operating systems in flash, load custom bootloaders, or implement firmware standards, like PC BIOS services or UEFI. This allows for systems to only include the features necessary in the target application, reducing the amount of code and flash space required

via coreboot.

Protecting the pre-OS environment with UEFI

Quick summary

  • UEFI allows firmware to implement a security policy
  • Secure boot is a UEFI protocol not a Windows 8 feature
  • UEFI secure boot is part of Windows 8 secured boot architecture
  • Windows 8 utilizes secure boot to ensure that the pre-OS environment is secure
  • Secure boot doesn’t “lock out” operating system loaders, but is a policy that allows firmware to validate authenticity of components
  • OEMs have the ability to customize their firmware to meet the needs of their customers by customizing the level of certificate and policy management on their platform
  • Microsoft does not mandate or control the settings on PC firmware that control or enable secured boot from any operating system other than Windows

Via Protecting the pre-OS environment with UEFI – Building Windows 8 – Site Home – MSDN Blogs.

DSDT – OSx86

The Differentiated System Description Table is the main table in the ACPI part of a computer’s BIOS.

The Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) defines a large number of tables that provide the interface between an ACPI-compliant operating system and system firmware. These allow description of system hardware in a platform-independent manner in ACPI Machine Language (AML).

via DSDT – OSx86.

PCIe, power management, and problematic BIOSes

As a result of the high clock rates used, PCI-Express devices can take a lot of power even when they are idle. “Active state power management” (ASPM) was developed as a means for putting those peripherals into a lower power state when it seems that there may be little need for them. ASPM can save power, but the usual tradeoff applies: a device which is in a reduced power state will not be immediately available for use. So, on systems where ASPM is in use, access to devices can sometimes take noticeably longer if those devices have been powered down. In some situations (usually those involving batteries) this tradeoff may be acceptable; in others it is not. So, like most power management mechanisms, ASPM can be turned on or off.

via PCIe, power management, and problematic BIOSes [].

This might have something to do with the PCI ethernet card being shutdown on medusa — a problem which has only been resolved by not using the PCI eth slot on medusa’s motherboard.

burning ISO files with Gnomebaker

Once you have GnomeBaker open, go to the Tools menu at the top and select “Burn CD Image” (or “Burn DVD Image” as appropriate). It will then prompt you for the ISO file and recorder device to use, as well as at what speed, etc.

via burning ISO files with Gnomebaker –

Duh.  It was right in front of me all along.  For some reason Brasero keeps returning errors on burning a simple .iso file.  It is consistent between reboots.  This might be due to some weirdness with the motherboard on medusa and how the kernel deals with the SATA interface.  I already noticed a problem with acpi messing with an ethernet PCI card on the only PCI slot on the motherboard.  Something is not right with this hardware setup.   The DVD player has also “gone offline” after trying to read error ridden Netflix DVDs.  Something is causing it to go offline and it is either the linux kernel or the hardware accepting commands from low level windows drivers.   This could also be a vm problem.

The bottom line: gnomebaker works and seems to work better.  Gnomebaker deserves a link in the Tools category.