Re-read The Partition Table Without Rebooting Linux System

partprobe command is part of GNU parted software. parted is a disk partitioning and partition resizing program. It allows you to create, destroy, resize, move and copy ext2, ext3, linux-swap, FAT, FAT32, and reiserfs partitions. It can create, resize and move Macintosh HFS partitions, as well as detect jfs, ntfs, ufs, and xfs partitions. It is useful for creating space for new operating systems, reorganising disk usage, and copying data to new hard disks.

via Re-read The Partition Table Without Rebooting Linux System.

# partprobe /dev/sdX

Xen Guest (DomU) Installation

xm commands

List Domains (Xen Guests)

# xm list

Start a Guest

# xm create [guest-config]

Connect to a guest console ( Back: ESC-] (US-keyboard), Ctrl-5 (German keyboard))

# xm console [guest_name]

Shutdown a guest

# xm shutdown [guest_name]

Destroy (Power off) a guest

# xm destroy [guest_name]

Monitor guests

# xm top

virsh commands

# virsh

virsh # help


virsh start [guest_name]

via Xen Guest (DomU) Installation « Thomas Vogt’s IT Blog.

Authentication Token Manipulation Error

if u are running shadowed passwords it might be theres no entry for this user. make a backup of /etc/shadow, delete /etc/shadow and convert /etc/passwd using pwconvert.same goes for /etc/groups.

via Authentication Token Manipulation Error.

I got this error when logging in as root into a system that I think was badly installed (by me).  Anyway, this fixed that problem.  I found it interesting that this came up #1 on the google search and it’s an entry dated May 2001.

Note: The linux command pwconv replaced pwconvert sometime during these last ten years.

Note2:  Here’s a more modern (3 years old) explanation tmhat I found useful.

Note3: I still had to do a complete reinstall since a lot of things went haywire.  I probably shouldn’t have been playing with hot swapping while the install was in progress.

Update:I don’t think the kernel likes this motherboard.  Second install failed.  Have to resort to compiling a kernel by hand.  What started out as a simple hour long task will now take all night.

Finding linux distro release info

Fedora Core: /etc/fedora-release

Red Hat: /etc/redhat-release, /etc/redhat_version (rare)

via release-files.

I got confused between two Centos VMs.  I had thought one Centos VM that I have running DNS was Centos 5.4 and the new one was Centos 5.6.  When I saw that they both used a 2.6.18.* kernel I got confused.  Fedora Core is using 2.6.35 and greater.  This led me to check the distro version upon which I didn’t get it out of uname -a or dmesg.  Searching the intertubes and I got the above answer.  Apparently the VM I thought was 5.4 is really 5.5.

It is interesting that Centos, which tracks RHEL, doesn’t make too many radical changes to the kernel.

Update: It should be noted that I wouldn’t have noticed the kernel versions had I not tried to compile and install my own kernel.

Converting VMWare Workstation images to VMWare ESXi 3.5

Use SCP to copy your Workstation files over to the ESX server. The path is /vmfs/volumes/YourDataStore. Next, ssh into your ESX server and run the following command:

vmkfstools -i sourcefile.vmdk /vmfs/vmfsname/destinationfile.vmdk

Once that process is complete you can point ESX at that file and start it up. Make sure you delete the source files so you aren’t wasting space on the ESX server.

via Righteous Hack » Converting VMWare Workstation images to VMWare ESXi 3.5.

This worked.  The VMware converter failed on two VMs made with Workstation but copying them over and using this command does the trick.  Problem solved! (I hope)

Converter completely failed on Windows 7 and apparently there’s a hack where the type of OS needs to be changed in Workstation settings for the VM.   My PBX in a flash vm wouldn’t boot from its hd after conversion because the converter lost its partition.  I confirmed this by booting vm into knoppix and checking the partitions.  IMHO, converter creates more work than just copying the vm manually.  I fixed my piaf vm by manually copying the .vmdk file over and using the command above.  Will do more experiments later.

Linux Virtual Server Tutorial

The Linux Virtual Server Project (LVS) allows load balancing of networked services such as web and mail servers using Layer 4 Switching. It is extremely fast and allows such services to be scaled to service 10s or 100s of thousands of simultaneous connections. The purpose of this tutorial is to demonstrate how to use various features of LVS to load balance Internet services, and how this can be made highly available using tools such as such as heartbeat and keepalived. It will also cover more advanced topics which have been the subject of recent development including maintaining active connections in a highly available environment and using active feedback to better distribute load.

Via Linux Virtual Server Tutorial.