The Internet Dodges Another Bullet With Wget Flaw

“It was found that wget was susceptible to a symlink attack which could create arbitrary files, directories or symbolic links and set their permissions when retrieving a directory recursively through FTP,” developer Vasyl Kaigorodov wrote in a Red Hat Bugzilla comment. –

via The Internet Dodges Another Bullet With Wget Flaw.

Wget is a linux command that allows a shell script to download a web page and store it to a file.  This bug pertains to using a URL to do File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and not HTTP which is what wget was designed for.  Here are a couple more snippets of this bug.

“Random bug found by accident, but the implication is that the FTP server can overwrite your entire filesystem,” Moore tweeted to eWEEK.

Don’t use wget for ftp.  Don’t run wget with root permissions.

So just to recap here, Wget is on nearly every Linux server in the world, and it had a flaw that could have enabled anyone to overwrite directories on a server. That’s very serious.

You should only use wget for http downloads.  This doesn’t sound like one of those Internet Dodges a Bullet problems.

Shellshock: How does it actually work?

env x='() { :;}; echo OOPS' bash -c :
The “env” command runs a command with a given variable set. In this case, we’re setting “x” to something that looks like a function. The function is just a single “:”, which is actually a simple command which is defined as doing nothing. But then, after the semi-colon which signals the end of the function definition, there’s an echo command. That’s not supposed to be there, but there’s nothing stopping us from doing it.

via Shellshock: How does it actually work? | Fedora Magazine.

But — oops! When that new shell starts up and reads the environment, it gets to the “x” variable, and since it looks like a function, it evaluates it. The function definition is harmlessly loaded — and then our malicious payload is triggered too. So, if you run the above on a vulnerable system, you’ll get “OOPS” printed back at you. Or, an attacker could do a lot worse than just print things.

I copied and pasted the above env command and it echos back OOPS.  This web server has been (I suspect) scanned already once with the scanner placing a ping command in the User Agent HTTP field.  Apparently User Agent gets passed to a shell environmental variable which will then get executed.  The only problem is that they need some kind of script to execute which there are none on this site.  This site simply returned 404, file not found to the scanner.

This could be problematic on sites with a lot of cgi scripts.  There is some exploit that can affect a client using dhcp to obtain an IP address from a malicious server.  I’ll find an explanation of that and put that up in its own post.   This story is evolving and even has its own brand name now — shellshock.

Flurry of Scans Hint That Bash Vulnerability Could Already Be In the Wild

What is it? A vulnerability in a command interpreter found on the vast majority of Linux and UNIX systems, including web servers, development machines, routers, firewalls, etc. The vulnerability could allow an anonymous attacker to execute arbitrary commands remotely, and to obtain the results of these commands via their browser. The security community has nicknamed the vulnerability “shellshock” since it affects computer command interpreters known as shells.

via Flurry of Scans Hint That Bash Vulnerability Could Already Be In the Wild – Slashdot.

This is a very confusing issue.  I found the above comment to be the most informative right now as this issue unfolds.

How bad could it be? Very, very bad. The vulnerability may exist on the vast majority of Linux and UNIX systems shipped over the last 20 years, including web servers, development machines, routers, firewalls, other network appliances, printers, Mac OSX computers, Android phones, and possibly iPhones (note: It has yet to be established that smartphones are affected, but given that Android and iOS are variants of Linus and UNIX, respectively, it would be premature to exclude them). Furthermore, many such systems have web-based administrative interfaces: While many of these machines do not provide a “web server” in the sense of a server providing content of interest to the casual or “normal” user, many do provide web-based interfaces for diagnotics and administration. Any such system that provides dynamic content using system utilities may be vulnerable.

The biggest iPhone security risk could be connecting one to a computer

Apple issues developer certificates to those who want to do internal distributions of their own applications. Those certificates can be used to self-sign an application and provision it.

Wang’s team found they could sneak a developer provisioning file onto an iOS device when it was connected via USB to a computer. A victim doesn’t see a warning.

That would allow for a self-signed malicious application to be installed. Legitimate applications could also be removed and substituted for look-alike malicious ones.

via The biggest iPhone security risk could be connecting one to a computer – Computerworld.

Malware Posing as Official Google Play App Found in….Official Google Play Store

When you click on it, the app asks for administrator privileges of the device. Once opened the sole user interface FireEye observed for the app contains pops up saying “Program Error” and “It’s Deleted!” when translated to English from Korean.

via Malware Posing as Official Google Play App Found in….Official Google Play Store.

These exploits usually require the user to approve of something first.

The app captures text messages, security certificates and banking details which it then sends to a Gmail address included in the malware – an email address which Google has now terminated

U.S.: Stop using Internet Explorer

The United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team, a part of Homeland Security known as US-CERT, said in an advisory released on Monday morning that the vulnerability in versions 6 to 11 of Internet Explorer could lead to “the complete compromise” of an affected system.

“We are currently unaware of a practical solution to this problem,” Carnegie Mellon’s Software Engineering Institute warned in a separate advisory, that US-CERT linked to in its warning.

via U.S.: Stop using Internet Explorer –

OpenSSL bug CVE-2014-0160

If you’re using an older OpenSSL version, you’re safe.

via OpenSSL bug CVE-2014-0160 | The Tor Blog.

I find that statement quite interesting due to how many security experts tout keeping your software constantly updated without realizing sometimes updates can introduce exploit vectors.

From:  The Heartbleed Bug

What makes the Heartbleed Bug unique?

Bugs in single software or library come and go and are fixed by new versions. However this bug has left large amount of private keys and other secrets exposed to the Internet. Considering the long exposure, ease of exploitation and attacks leaving no trace this exposure should be taken seriously.

Am I affected by the bug?

You are likely to be affected either directly or indirectly. OpenSSL is the most popular open source cryptographic library and TLS (transport layer security) implementation used to encrypt traffic on the Internet. Your popular social site, your company’s site, commerce site, hobby site, site you install software from or even sites run by your government might be using vulnerable OpenSSL.

From: Exploits allow attackers to obtain private keys used to decrypt sensitive data.

They called on white-hat hackers to set up “honeypots” of vulnerable TLS servers designed to entrap attackers in an attempt to see if the bug is being actively exploited in the wild. The researchers have dubbed the vulnerability Heartbleed because the underlying bug resides in the OpenSSL implementation of the TLS heartbeat extension as described in RFC 6520 of the Internet Engineering Task Force.

Background Monitoring on Non-Jailbroken iOS 7 Devices

We have created a proof-of-concept “monitoring” app on non-jailbroken iOS 7.0.x devices. This “monitoring” app can record all the user touch/press events in the background, including, touches on the screen, home button press, volume button press and TouchID press, and then this app can send all user events to any remote server, as shown in Fig.1. Potential attackers can use such information to reconstruct every character the victim inputs.

via Background Monitoring on Non-Jailbroken iOS 7 Devices — and a Mitigation | FireEye Blog.

Before Apple fixes this issue, the only way for iOS users to avoid this security risk is to use the iOS task manager to stop the apps from running in the background to prevent potential background monitoring.

Yikes!  This might be a problem for android devices as well.  I have noticed that since a device stays on 24/7 resident apps can build up in the background because even though you think you closed an app it sometimes doesn’t actually close as in terminate until its icon is touched to activate.  The proof of concept above got this “keylogger” through Apple’s App Store which is pretty remarkable.

CVE-2014-0497 – a 0-day vulnerability – Securelist

All of the exploits exploit the same vulnerability and all are unpacked SWF files. All have identical actionscript code, which performs an operating system version check. The exploits only work under the following Windows versions: XP, Vista, 2003 R2, 2003, 7, 7×64, 2008 R2, 2008, 8, 8×64. Some of the samples also have a check in place which makes the exploits terminate under Windows 8.1 and 8.1 x64.

via CVE-2014-0497 – a 0-day vulnerability – Securelist.

VPN Related Vulnerability Discovered on an Android device

In this video we demonstrate the vulnerability via the following steps:

  1. We present a regular Android device (in this case it is the popular Samsung S4 device). Behind it we display a screen with packet capturing tool, showing the traffic that flows through that computer.
  2. Now the user runs the malicious app and clicks on the Exploit button which takes advantage of the vulnerability in the phone’s system.

via VPN Related Vulnerability Discovered on an Android device – Disclosure Report | Cyber Security Labs @ Ben Gurion University.

The exploit vector requires a user to do something.