Someone could have just made a ton of money hacking the AP’s Twitter account

Algorithmic trading bots react instantaneously to keywords in news reports and even tweets, which is likely why the market fell so quickly. Stocks started to recover about three minutes later but took seven minutes to return to their earlier levels.

via Someone could have just made a ton of money hacking the AP’s Twitter account – Quartz.

‘Robo-reporter’ computer program raises questions about future of journalists

Instead of personally composing the pieces, Schwencke developed a set of step-by-step instructions that can take a stream of data — this particular algorithm works with earthquake statistics, since he lives in California — compile the data into a pre-determined structure, then format it for publication.

via ‘Robo-reporter’ computer program raises questions about future of journalists.

A Bandwidth Breakthrough

Testing the system on Wi-Fi networks at MIT, where 2 percent of packets are typically lost, Medard’s group found that a normal bandwidth of one megabit per second was boosted to 16 megabits per second. In a circumstance where losses were 5 percent—common on a fast-moving train—the method boosted bandwidth from 0.5 megabits per second to 13.5 megabits per second. In a situation with zero losses, there was little if any benefit, but loss-free wireless scenarios are rare.

via A Bandwidth Breakthrough – Technology Review.

The technology transforms the way packets of data are sent. Instead of sending packets, it sends algebraic equations that describe series of packets. So if a packet goes missing, instead of asking the network to resend it, the receiving device can solve for the missing one itself. Since the equations involved are simple and linear, the processing load on a phone, router, or base station is negligible, Medard says.

Recycled photons set fresh quantum computing record

Laing’s team is also working towards that end. As part of the recycling technique, the researchers chained together two logic gates – a first for an optical quantum computer and an essential step in terms of hardware for building more complex devices. “To me, this achievement is more important than factoring 21, although to do so is an excellent demonstration of the technique’s power,” says Browne.

via Recycled photons set fresh quantum computing record – physics-math – 23 October 2012 – New Scientist.

Mysterious Algorithm Was 4% of Trading Activity Last Week

The program placed orders in 25-millisecond bursts involving about 500 stocks, according to Nanex, a market data firm. The algorithm never executed a single trade, and it abruptly ended at about 10:30 a.m. ET Friday.

via Mysterious Algorithm Was 4% of Trading Activity Last Week – – US Business News – CNBC.

Translation: The ultimate goal of many of these programs is to gum up the system so it slows down the quote feed to others and allows the computer traders (with their co-located servers at the exchanges) to gain a money-making arbitrage opportunity.

Researchers create algorithms that help lithium-ion batteries charge two times faster

Researchers at the University of California San Diego have devised new algorithms that can cut lithium-ion battery charge times in half, help cells run more efficiently and potentially cut production costs by 25 percent. Rather than tracking battery behavior and health with the traditional technique of monitoring current and voltage, the team’s mathematical models estimate where lithium ions are within cells for more precise data.

via Researchers create algorithms that help lithium-ion batteries charge two times faster — Engadget.

The software patent solution has been right here all along

Lemley’s thesis is radically simple: “Most software patents today are written in functional terms,” he writes. “If courts would faithfully apply the 1952 Act, limiting those claims to the actual algorithms the patentees disclosed and their equivalents, they could prevent overclaiming by software patentees and solve much of the patent thicket problem that besets software innovation.”

via The software patent solution has been right here all along | Open Source Software – InfoWorld.

Shor’s algorithm

If a quantum computer with a sufficient number of qubits were to be constructed, Shor’s algorithm could be used to break public-key cryptography schemes such as the widely used RSA scheme. RSA is based on the assumption that factoring large numbers is computationally infeasible. So far as is known, this assumption is valid for classical (non-quantum) computers; no classical algorithm is known that can factor in polynomial time. However, Shor’s algorithm shows that factoring is efficient on a quantum computer, so a sufficiently large quantum computer can break RSA. It was also a powerful motivator for the design and construction of quantum computers and for the study of new quantum computer algorithms. It has also facilitated research on new cryptosystems that are secure from quantum computers, collectively called post-quantum cryptography.

via Shor’s algorithm – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

RIAA to CNET: Follow Google, nix video-to-MP3 conversions

The Recording Industry Association of America wants to put an end to software and services that enable people to rip songs from music videos.

Two days after, a site that converts songs from music videos into MP3 files, was blocked from accessing YouTube, the RIAA has asked CNET to remove software from that performs a similar function. CNET, which is owned by CBS, is the publisher of this news site.

via RIAA to CNET: Follow Google, nix video-to-MP3 conversions | Internet & Media – CNET News.

I do not advise downloading and installing anything from  FOSS should be vetted by a reputable organization like sourceforge.  That said, this kind of tactic will start to get very interesting.  Ripping songs from youtube is just an algorithm.

LinkedIn Password Leak: Salt Their Hide

Let me walk through the process of password protection and explain why unsalted passwords are only infinitesimally better than plaintext passwords:

via LinkedIn Password Leak: Salt Their Hide – ACM Queue.


LinkedIn is learning fast right now, according to their damage control missives, they have now implemented salting and “better hashing.” But we have yet to find out why nobody objected to them protecting 150+ million user passwords with 1970s methods.

And everybody else should take notice too: Even if you use md5crypt, you should upgrade your password scrambling algorithm. As a rule of thumb: If it does not take a full second to calculate the password hash, it is too weak.