Magnetic North – Magnetic North Pole

What is the magnetic field, anyway? Earth’s core is made of molten iron, and that geothermal energy is what keeps us warm, gravitized, and protected from the sun’s unrelenting radiation. As molten iron swirls, rises, is cooled, and falls back into the center, the convection (or circulating heat, the same as a convection oven) powers continental drift and also generates the magnetosphere.

Source: Magnetic North – Magnetic North Pole

A free online introduction to artificial intelligence for non-experts

The Elements of AI is a series of free online courses created by Reaktor and the University of Helsinki. We want to encourage as broad a group of people as possible to learn what AI is, what can (and can’t) be done with AI, and how to start creating AI methods. The courses combine theory with practical exercises and can be completed at your own pace.

Source: A free online introduction to artificial intelligence for non-experts

NextCry Ransomware Targets NextCloud Linux Servers and Remains Undetected Features

This statement provides insight into how hackers may have been able to access his system. On October 24, NextCloud disclosed a remote code execution vulnerability (CVE-2019-11043) which has been exploited to compromise servers with the default Nextcloud NGINX configuration.

Source: NextCry Ransomware Targets NextCloud Linux Servers and Remains Undetected Features

Quantum Computer Made from Photons Achieves a New Record

Boson sampling can be thought of as a quantum version of a classical device called the bean machine. In that device, balls are dropped onto rows of pegs, which they bounce off of, landing in slots at the bottom. The random motion of the balls typically leads to a normal distribution in the slots: most balls fall near the center, and fewer fall toward the sides, tapering off at the edges. Classical computers can easily simulate random motion to predict this result.

Source: Quantum Computer Made from Photons Achieves a New Record – Scientific American

Salesforce Transit Center: San Francisco’s $2.2 Billion Cracks

And the review determined that the two affected beams, both over 60 feet long, barely moved an inch due to the fractures. The redundancies in design guaranteed the beams’ stability. The overall safety of the building was never compromised. If those workers hadn’t discovered the cracks by chance, we still might not know about them.

Source: Salesforce Transit Center: San Francisco’s $2.2 Billion Cracks

US Court Shields Internet Subscribers From Futile Piracy Complaints

All in all the Court sees no other option than to deny the request for expedited discovery. This is good news for the people who were targeted by these lawsuits, as they won’t be identified. At the same time, it means that Strike 3 can’t continue these cases, as it can’t name a defendant.

Source: US Court Shields Internet Subscribers From Futile Piracy Complaints – TorrentFreak

How DARPA Trucked Its Massive Radio Frequency Testbed Across The United States

Colosseum may look like a data center, but in reality, it’s a massive radio-frequency emulation testbed that DARPA built for its Spectrum Collaboration Challenge (SC2). SC2 has been a three-year competition to demonstrate the validity of using artificial intelligences to work together in order to use wireless spectrum more efficiently than operating on pre-allocated bands would be.

Source: The Forklift Ballet: How DARPA Trucked Its Massive Radio Frequency Testbed Across The United States IEEE Spectrum – IEEE Spectrum

YouTube gets alleged copyright troll to agree to stop trolling YouTubers

YouTube first sued Brady in August after learning that he targeted a couple of Minecraft and gaming creators — “Kenzo” and “ObbyRaidz” — by using false copyright claim takedowns. The company removed the videos, as the company is required to do when a claim is submitted. YouTube only pursued legal action after it was informed that Brady was allegedly using copyright strikes as a way to pressure creators into paying a lump sum of cash. Brady would allegedly strike two videos on a channel and then demand cash; three strikes on a channel result in it being terminated.

Source: YouTube gets alleged copyright troll to agree to stop trolling YouTubers – The Verge

According to a slashdot comment this could be criminal.