USA Intellectual Property Theft Commission Recommends Malware!

“Additionally, software can be written that will allow only authorized users to open files containing valuable information. If an unauthorized person accesses the information, a range of actions might then occur. For example, the file could be rendered inaccessible and the unauthorized user’s computer could be locked down, with instructions on how to contact law enforcement to get the password needed to unlock the account. Such measures do not violate existing laws on the use of the Internet, yet they serve to blunt attacks and stabilize a cyber incident to provide both time and evidence for law enforcement to become involved.”

via Lauren Weinstein’s Blog: USA Intellectual Property Theft Commission Recommends Malware!.

Finding Rootkits By Monitoring For ‘Black Sheep’

Blacksheep compares memory dumps from each monitored system, first creating lists of kernel memory modules that are then sorted and compared, calculating the distance that each list of modules is from the others. The system then compares each byte of a modules’ code with other systems to find differences that could indicate changes inserted by a rootkit. Blacksheep also conduct memory crawling to catch changes to kernel data and checks five different kernel entry points for signs of changes.

via Finding Rootkits By Monitoring For ‘Black Sheep’ – Dark Reading.