Mailbox – Put Email In Its Place

We redesigned the inbox to make email light, fast, and mobile-friendly. Quickly swipe messages to your archive or trash. Scan an entire conversation at once with chat-like organization. Snooze emails until later with the tap of a button.

It’s a whole new inbox.

via Mailbox – Put Email In Its Place.

Who would have thought a company could arise out of good old email?  According to this article this mailbox app has added 1.25 million people while processing 50M messages per day (i.e. ~40 emails per user).  I wonder what percentage of that are old fashioned spammers and name squatters?

Germanys first Spam protection database

Here are 4 things that we recommend in order to stay off the UCEPROTECT-Blacklists and the Backscatterer List:

1. Do not use abusive techniques on your systems, and also tell your customers with their own servers not to do so.

The following techniques are considered abusive, even though some seem to have become very popular.
Sender callouts (also known as Sender Verify or SAV) or any other kind of Backscatter.

via UCEPROTECT®-Network – Germanys first Spam protection database.

2. Ensure that large amounts of garbage cannot be sent through your mailservers / smarthosts.

3. Ensure that your dynamic / dialups / homeusers cannot be abused as spam zombies.

4. Get clue about new customers, secure your servers and prevent open relays and open proxies at your dedicated line customers and at customers with static IP addresses.

The Accidental History of the @ Symbol

Tomlinson’s eyes fell on @, poised above “P” on his Model 33 teletype. “I was mostly looking for a symbol that wasn’t used much,” he told Smithsonian. “And there weren’t a lot of options—an exclamation point or a comma. I could have used an equal sign, but that wouldn’t have made much sense.” Tomlinson chose @—“probably saving it from going the way of the ‘cent’ sign on computer keyboards,” he says. Using his naming system, he sent himself an e-mail, which traveled from one teletype in his room, through Arpanet, and back to a different teletype in his room.

via The Accidental History of the @ Symbol | Science & Nature | Smithsonian Magazine.

The bang (!) was also used back then for email.

Zimbra offers Open Source email server software and shared calendar for Linux and the Mac.

VMware Zimbra is an enterprise-class email, calendar and collaboration solution, built for the cloud, both public and private. With a redesigned browser-based interface, Zimbra offers the most innovative messaging experience available today, connecting end users to the information and activity in their personal clouds.

via Zimbra offers Open Source email server software and shared calendar for Linux and the Mac..

The slashdot comment from whence I found out about this recommended *not* to use this service.  Interesting nonetheless.

I referenced Citadel back in November.

Gmail Becomes World’s Largest Email Service; Google Continues To Unseat Microsoft

In January, Google mentioned in its earnings call that it had about 350 million monthly active users on Gmail; six months later, about 75 million more users had flocked to Gmail, growing the total number to 425 million monthly active users. By this measure, Gmail has dethroned Hotmail.

via Gmail Becomes World’s Largest Email Service; Google Continues To Unseat Microsoft – International Business Times.