“What is post-PC”?

The market is changing. PCs are lasting longer, and people are finding acceptable utility in replacing casual-use, low-end PCs with smartphones and tablets.

Again, it’s about the total compute time across all of society. The PC is just becoming a smaller chunk of a larger whole, the majority of which will be post-PC devices.

via “What is post-PC”? — The Post-PC FAQ | The Platform.


MediaGoblin is a free software media publishing platform that anyone can run. You can think of it as a decentralized alternative to Flickr, YouTube, SoundCloud, etc. It’s also:

  • The perfect tool to show and share your media!
  • Building tools to empower the world through decentralization!
  • Built for extensibility. Multiple media types, including video support!

via MediaGoblin.

Munich opts for open source groupware from Kolab

The Kolab groupware system that was originally developed for the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) will be employed as part of Munich’s MigMak project, a abbreviation used by the city to describe the migration of its mail and calendar system, Kolab said. The system is to be provided as completely open-source technology, including the necessary professional support, it added.

All the city’s LiMux PCs and the remaining Windows PCs will be using the Kolab Desktop Client in combination with the Kolab web client based on Kolab Enterprise 13, it said.

via Munich opts for open source groupware from Kolab | ITworld.

From: Kolab’s web site:

What is Kolab?
Kolab is a secure, scalable and reliable groupware server. It is formed by a number of well-known and proven components or the standards tasks such as E-Mail, Directory and Web Service.


ownCloud Documents is collaborative editing of rich-text documents. The documents can be created from within the web-interface or existing documents can be uploaded. Sharing and editing can be done securely in the browser and be shared inside ownCloud or via a public link. User that have an account on the same server can be invited or public invitations can also be sent be email. The editing works on top of normal ODF files that are stored in ownCloud. ownCloud Documents is built in cooperation with KO GmbH

via Features | ownCloud.org.

I haven’t tried this solution out yet.