How a dumb software glitch kept thousands from reaching 911

At first, Intrado thought that the complaints arising from various PSAPs around the country were just isolated, unconnected events — even though alarm bells were going off an hour into the breakdown. Nobody noticed the warnings until it was too late; the server taking note of the alerts categorized them as “low level” incidents and were never flagged for a human, according to the FCC report.

via How a dumb software glitch kept thousands from reaching 911 – The Washington Post.

PSAP = Poor Sucker At Phone

Is Maintenance Making Your Facility Less Reliable?

“Maintenance is a very lucrative business,” said Fairfax, who said guidance from equipment vendors sometimes slip into FUD (fear, uncertainty doubt) rather than sound methodology. “They want to keep selling their maintenance plans. To overcome this preventive maintenance threat, we must attack false learning. More is not always better.”

via Is Maintenance Making Your Facility Less Reliable? » Data Center Knowledge.

File this under don’t fix what ain’t broke.