A DIY Internet Network Has Drastically Expanded Its Coverage in NYC

Initially, the mesh network was powered by a single “Supernode” antenna and hardware array located at 375 Pearl Street in Manhattan. This gigabit fiber-fed antenna connects 300 buildings, where members have mounted routers on a rooftop or near a window. These local “nodes” in turn connect to an internet exchange point—without the need for a traditional ISP.

Source: A DIY Internet Network Has Drastically Expanded Its Coverage in NYC – VICE

SpaceX launches first batch of 60 internet satellites in landmark mission

SpaceX ultimately wants Starlink to grow to include potentially thousands of satellites over the next few years. The company says it could make available low-cost internet for a significant portion of the world’s population that isn’t yet online and offer a competitive alternative for people who aren’t happy with their broadband provider.

Source: SpaceX launches first batch of 60 internet satellites in landmark mission – CNN

Google Fiber Blog

Bringing fiber all the way to your home is only one piece of the puzzle. We also partner with content providers (like YouTube, Netflix, and Akamai) to make the rest of your video’s journey shorter and faster. (This doesn’t involve any deals to prioritize their video ‘packets’ over others or otherwise discriminate among Internet traffic — we don’t do that.)

via Google Fiber Blog.