Zimbra offers Open Source email server software and shared calendar for Linux and the Mac.

VMware Zimbra is an enterprise-class email, calendar and collaboration solution, built for the cloud, both public and private. With a redesigned browser-based interface, Zimbra offers the most innovative messaging experience available today, connecting end users to the information and activity in their personal clouds.

via Zimbra offers Open Source email server software and shared calendar for Linux and the Mac..

The slashdot comment from whence I found out about this recommended *not* to use this service.  Interesting nonetheless.

I referenced Citadel back in November.

version control – What’s the best Web interface for Git repositories?

version control – What’s the best Web interface for Git repositories? – Stack Overflow.

  • gitweb, which is developed together with git, and is written in Perl. Works both as CGI script, and legacy mod_perl script. There is repo.or.cz duct tape (soon to be released as Girocco), which together with gitweb make for git hosting interface. I think it most commonly used web interface; it is used for example by kernel.org.
  • cgit is is a fast (caching) and lightweight webinterface written in C. It is used for example by freedesktop.org
  • git-php and ViewGit are git web interfaces written in PHP.


Symantec ‘fesses up: ‘Code theft worse than we thought’

A hacker calling himself “Yama Tough”, acting as a spokesperson for the group, claims the source code had been pulled from insecure Indian government servers, implying that Symantec was required to supply their source code to Indian authorities. In a series of Twitter updates, Yama Tough talked about various plans to release the source code before committing to release the secret sauce of pcAnywhere.

via Symantec ‘fesses up: ‘Code theft worse than we thought’ • Channel Register.

Even so the whole Symantec hack soap opera/pantomime (‘You’ve been hacked!”, “Oh no we haven’t”… “Oh maybe we have”) raises serious questions about the security of Symantec’s ecosystem as well as turning the security giant into the punchline for jokes. For example, famed Apple hacker Charlie Miller quipped: “How could Symantec have gotten hacked? Don’t they use AV?” ®