Google Uses Reputation To Detect Malicious Downloads

Unlike Microsoft’s solution, CAMP attempts to detect locally whether any downloaded file is malicious, before passing characteristics of the file to its server-based analysis system. First, the system checks the binary against a blacklist–in this case, Google’s Safe Browsing API. If that check returns no positive result and, if the file has the potential to be malicious, CAMP will check a whitelist to see if the binary is a known good file.

via Google Uses Reputation To Detect Malicious Downloads – Dark Reading.

CAMP’s 99-percent success rate trounced four antivirus products, which individually only detected at most 25 percent of the malicious files and collectively detected about 40 percent, the researchers stated.

Security Firm Bit9 Hacked, Used to Spread Malware

An hour after being contacted by KrebsOnSecurity, Bit9 published a blog post acknowledging a break-in. The company said attackers managed to compromise some of Bit9′s systems that were not protected by the company’s own software. Once inside, the firm said, attackers were able to steal Bit9′s secret code-signing certificates.

via Security Firm Bit9 Hacked, Used to Spread Malware — Krebs on Security.

Yes, that PC cleanup app you saw on TV at 3am is a waste

To highlight just why you and your loved ones should never let these applications anywhere near your PC, we picked one that we have recently seen ads for: MyCleanPC. It’s the archetypal Windows cleanup app—and you probably shouldn’t install it.

via Yes, that PC cleanup app you saw on TV at 3am is a waste | Ars Technica.

There are some useful tips on cleaning your PC in this article.   Like the article advises, I also use Malwarebytes exclusively to scan every now and then if something seems to be running funny.  Being on a monitored wifi allows for my firewall, the gateway between the wifi and Internet, to alert me of any funny communication coming from my PC.  I have some other unconventional PC security advice that I may provide in a future post once I can put together all my thoughts into a coherent package.