Google Images New Layout How This Impacts Photographers And Webmasters

This updated functionality completely removes the source website from the display, encouraging the user to download the image directly from the search results. To add fuel to the fire, a prominent button “Show original image” (read as “Download now”) is also being displayed alongside the enhanced preview. The percentage of visits to the website that actually has the rights to display and offer the subject images drops at a staggering rate as people are able to and, in fact, are implicitly encouraged to begin downloading the image directly from Google Images rather than visiting the subject site.

via Google Images New Layout How This Impacts Photographers And Webmasters – Stock Photography Blog.

I still don’t see how simply downloading an image which mean possibly seeing once and then into the bit bucket really matters.  The photo is not being used in a commercial manner except for perhaps by google.  There has to be some kind of compromise that doesn’t impact usability.