Information explosion: how rapidly expanding storage spurs innovation

On the other hand, the asymmetrical nature of most broadband solutions available to consumers in the US and Europe and a stagnation in their speed encourages only consumption at the “lower” levels of that stack. Companies that need both the ability to transmit and receive data over distance can usually afford to pay for symmetrical high-speed network links, while consumers (at least in the US) typically can pick from two choices for Internet access—DSL or cable. Both access methods typically provide plenty of download bandwidth for Netflixing and iTunesing and YouTubeing, but comparatively tiny upload bandwidth for sending data (most DSL and cable Internet plans have upload speeds that are less than 25 percent of the download speeds).

This asymmetry of access leads us to a strange place, where most folks have the ability to store and create more amazing things than ever before, while at the same time they lack the ability to quickly and easily share any of those things with each other.

via Information explosion: how rapidly expanding storage spurs innovation.