Flame Malware Hijacks Windows Update Mechanism

According to Symantec’s Security Response team, the Snack module sniffs NetBIOS requests on the local network. NetBIOS name resolution allows computers to find each other on a local network via peer-to-peer, opening up an avenue for spoofing.

“When clients attempt to resolve a computer name on the network, and in particular make WPAD (Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Protocol) requests, Flamer will claim it is the WPAD server and provide a rogue WPAD configuration file (wpad.dat),” Symantec noted. “NetBIOS WPAD hijacking is a well-known technique and many publicly available hack tools have implemented the technique.”

via Flame Malware Hijacks Windows Update Mechanism | SecurityWeek.Com.

This is why automatic Windows updates should always be off.  Only update manually when you know your network is secure.