Samsung’s Claims of Juror Misconduct Revealed in Unredacted Filings

Were you wondering how Samsung found out about the lawsuit that Hogan failed to mention in voir dire, the litigation between Seagate and Hogan that Samsung dug up? Apple was, as I’ll show you. You wouldn’t believe it if it was in a movie script. The lawyer who sued Mr. Hogan on behalf of Seagate back in 1993 is now married to a partner at Quinn Emanuel, the lawyers for Samsung.

What are the odds?

via Groklaw – Samsung’s Claims of Juror Misconduct Revealed in Unredacted Filings ~pj Updated.

The issue, then, is juror misconduct, not that they just didn’t know what they were doing during deliberations. Hogan did not mention the case brought against him by Seagate in voir dire, significantly enough, even though he was specifically asked by the judge, as were all the prospective jurors, to list all cases any of them was ever involved in as a witness or a party. Hogan told Reuters (see 2012 [PDF]) that he wasn’t asked about all cases. But he was, as you can see for yourself in the transcript [PDF] of the voir dire.