Avoiding Egypt: Where Cables Fear to Dredge

New cables are finding other ways to connect Europe and the Middle East. The Europe-Persia Express Gateway (EPEG), a terrestrial cable that routes from Frankfurt to Oman via Ukraine and Iran, is built “away from the known trouble areas,” says Gavin Tait, director of Asia network planning for Cable & Wireless Worldwide plc (London: CW), now part of the Vodafone Group plc (NYSE: VOD). “Obviously it doesn’t go anywhere near the Red Sea,” he adds. (See Euronews: Vodafone Gets the Nod on C&WW, Vodafone Appoints C&WW Execs and ancotel Provides EPEG Connection Point.)

via Light Reading Asia – Optical Networking – Avoiding Egypt: Where Cables Fear to Dredge – Telecom News Analysis.

Meanwhile, Singapore’s popularity as a network destination is making it hard to land cables there, says Genaro Sanchez, Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co. (PLDT) vice-president of network planning and engineering. “The corridor in Singapore is narrow, it’s getting crowded, [and] it’s getting more difficult to work with cables.”